Enhanced Access Appointments at The Swan Practice

The Swan Practice is pleased to let you know that we will be providing appointments from 7am until 8pm on certain weekdays and from 9am-1pm on Saturdays as a minimum.

Appointments will be bookable in advance and there may be some available for the same day.

You will be able to book into a mix of services available within these additional hours with access to the range of health professionals working in the primary care team.

There will be a choice of ways to access appointments depending on clinical need, such as telephone, video appointment, online consultation, or face to face.

How to book an Enhanced Access Appointment

Please contact the practice as normal. The easiest route to arrange an appointment is using Klinik, our new online triage service. If you would like an Enhanced Access appointment, please complete the final question in the triage process by telling us when you are and are not available and a convenient appointment will be booked for you. 

This is NOT a walk in service – if you need urgent medical advice after 6:30pm, please phone NHS 111. NHS 111 will enable you to talk to a GP and book an urgent GP appointment if necessary.